Visit and subscribe to @lakemerritt. YouTube channel
Videos posted to YouTube about the lake, its history and stewards, and special events.
LMBC History & Projects... 19:33
Interview with Race Director. 10:52
ALF 2021 displays, day & night. 2:19
Autumn Lights 2022. 3:15
Float through Autumn Lights. 2:23
Interview with OMB Producer. 8:00.
Lake Merritt in a world of its own. 2:18
Ohlone Perspective on LM History. 10min
NOL from day to dusk to dark. 4:09
Lake Merritt Zip, 3 miles in 4min 39 sec
Overview of LM birds. 2:41
Bonsai tour with garden director. 7:43
Interview with garden planner. 5:46
Interview with LMWW Founders. 10:40
Promo for Litter project at LM. 2 min
LM Lamppost Project. 5:17
Profiles of 5 LMBC volunteers. 10 min.
Diversity Road. Street art project. 2:08
Pop-up vendors at LM, July 2020. 2 min.
Homeless at Lake Merritt. 2:58
Lake Merritt WildLife Refuge. 9:51
GLM Gate design by Shawn Lovell. 4:35
Interview with Landscape Architect. 8:52
Wildlife Refuge 150th Anniversary. 80min
Interview with LMI Director. 4:04.
Gardens & Guardians. Part 1, 22:32
Gardens & Guardians. Part 2. 21:06
The Garden Classroom. G&G3. 19:45
Gardens & Guardians. Part 4. 16:27
150th Outtakes & "The Lake Mayors". 10:19